Friday, February 1, 2013

Juicy Fruit

Tuesday, January 29

Before we came to the DR Karen and I had talked about the possibility of bringing some clothes down with us and having a garage sale to raise money for the school.  We talked to Carrie and Shelley about it and they thought it was a great idea.    Down the street from our school is a very nice private Christian school that often partners with Pathway  to Jesus  and there was some discussion that we might receive donations from their parents.  We also asked the parents of our school to bring donations.  We weren't sure if we would get any response from our families because most kids here only own very few clothes and when they grow out of are usually passed down to a sibling or cousin. 

The donations from the partner school didn't work out so we were a little afraid it would be a garage sale disaster.  On Monday Shelley and Carrie told their students about the sale and asked them to bring donations.  Every day more and more and more donations have been coming in.  This morning we started sorting the clothes in to adult and children clothes.  We have so many clothes there is no way we could have handled any from the partner school!  To see these families share what little they have has been a humbling experience. 

When school was done Karen and I were dropped off at our new friend Eladia's house for a lesson in making natural juice.  These juices are made from many types of  fruits and are a staple in the Dominican diet.  Many of them even have oatmeal water  in them!  Today we made three juices - chinola, lime and mango.  Even though we couldn't communicate with words we were able to learn  (with a lot of laughing and hand motions) how to make delicious juices during our time together.  Eladia has a warm and welcoming personality that makes you feel right at home.  She loves to cook and eat healthy so she cooks with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, many of which she grows herself.    She blesses  many people, especially those in need, with her juice.  It was a wonderful afternoon and we were blessed to get to know Eladia.

In the evening we went to Carrie and Eddy's for dinner.  While they prepared dinner we walked the neighborhood with Eddy's mom.  We were warmly invited into a number of houses and got to know many members of Eddy's family, many who live within a block of his house.  We were served spaghetti ala Eddy which is a Dominican American dish that Eddy and Carrie compromised on.  Basically it is regular spaghetti with corn on top and served with fried plantains.  It was very delicious and we enjoyed an evening of talking on the porch. 

We were surprised by a visit from a friend of Eddy's and his wife and child.  Last year Karen was made aware of some substantial needs that this family  had.  His house was falling down and they were living on plantains because they had no money for food.  Karen made some crafts and sold them and was able to send a donation that fixed his house.  When we were there last year we were able to purchase cooking items and food.    He spoke of how when those needs were met last year it was enough to get him on his feet and now he is self sufficient.  The most amazing thing we heard was that his wife who just year was asking him "Where is this God of yours - we have no food to eat" is now going to church with him.  That's where they were coming from when they passed by and saw us on the porch.

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.  James 2:14-17

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